How do I Apply For Planning Permission on my Home in Birmingham?

July 7th, 2021

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"content_area": "Whether you’re thinking of adding an extra bedroom or extending the kitchen, the chances are you will need planning permission before you can go ahead and get started.\r\n\r\nOnce you’ve decided to proceed, you’ll need to go through a few stages before building work can begin.\r\n\r\nTalk to Your Neighbours\r\n\r\nThis is by no means essential, but it’s courteous to speak with any of your neighbours who may be affected by your plans, to find out if they have any strong objections.\r\n\r\nNeighbours’ objections are one of the key reasons why planning permission could be denied, so speaking to them in advance could save you time and money, while also supporting your application.\r\n\r\nContact Your Local Planning Authority\r\n\r\nThis is the first formal step that you will need to take to get planning permission. The local planning authority (LPA) for Birmingham can be contacted through your local council, and they will advise if you need planning permission in the first place.\r\n\r\nThere are certain improvements you can make to your home without planning permission – these are known as permitted development rights and include adding equipment such as solar panels and satellite dishes, as well as certain sized extensions.\r\n\r\nIf you’re in any doubt, it’s always best to check with your LPA.\r\n\r\nHow Much Does a Planning Permission Application Cost?\r\n\r\nIn England the planning application currently costs £206 if you’re just looking to extend your current home.\r\n\r\nIf you’re planning to build a new single dwelling, then the cost is currently £462.\r\n\r\nThe costs vary in other parts of the UK. Your local authority will be able to provide full details of the costs involved.\r\n\r\nWhat Documents Will I Need to Submit With my Application?\r\n\r\nIt varies depending on the size of the project being undertaken, but you will usually need to submit application forms, design plans and possibly an ecological survey, which will take into account the environmental impact that your extension could have.\r\n\r\nBear in mind that with design costs, surveys and other fees that can build up as part of your application, you should expect to budget at least £2000 to submit a successful planning application.\r\n\r\nAfter you have submitted your application, the LPA will contact your neighbours to find out if they have any concerns or objections.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHow Long Does it Take to Get Planning Permission?\r\n\r\nFor a fairly straightforward extension to your current property, you can expect to receive approval after around 8 weeks.\r\n\r\nThe most likely reason for any delay is objections from neighbours or unexpected problems with the design and surveys, such as environmental damage or drainage and access issues for example.\r\n\r\nIf there are objections to your plans then you may need to have the designs altered, which is likely to incur extra costs. An example of this would be if your neighbour argued that your extension will block out sunlight from their garden. In this instance, a redesign could solve the issue while still allowing you to proceed with an extension.\r\n\r\nHow Long Does Planning Permission Last?\r\n\r\nOnce planning permission has been granted you will have three years to start building work. If the three years passes without any work being started, then you will need to begin the application process again.\r\n\r\nWhat Happens if my Planning Application is Rejected?\r\n\r\nIf this happens then you essentially have two options. You can either appeal the decision or have your design plans altered, which should give you more chance of the application being accepted the second time.\r\n\r\nIf your application is rejected you should be given reasons as to why, and this will allow you to address any concerns, such as objections from neighbours or environmental impact.\r\n\r\nOne thing to note, is that you can withdraw your application at any time and resubmit it at no extra cost. So, if you think your application is going to be rejected this will allow you to resolve any issues in advance.\r\n\r\nWhat Happens if I Proceed Without Planning Permission?\r\n\r\nIt’s strongly recommended that you don’t go down this route, but if you were to build an extension without planning permission then the LPA would have the authority to have the building altered or demolished.\r\n\r\nYou can make a retrospective planning application, and if it’s refused then you can appeal the decision. However, if you lose the appeal, it could cost you a lot of money.\r\n\r\nIn most cases like these, it’s usually the homeowners being naive rather than blatantly ignoring the rules. They’ll often wrongly believe that their extension doesn’t require planning permission, so they don’t bother to submit an application and begin building work straight away.\r\n\r\nThat’s why it’s always worth contacting your LPA to find out if you will need planning permission before starting any building work!\r\n\r\nDean Coleman, Estate Agent Powered By EXP is your experienced local property expert for the Birmingham area. Call me on 07581875215 or email for a chat.”,
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