4 Reasons Your Home Isn’t Selling

October 8th, 2020

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"content_area": "All vendors want to sell their homes quickly. However, here are 4 reasons why your house might not be attracting a buyer:\r\n\r\nToo Expensive: The number one reason a house won’t sell is because of the price. A homeowner always thinks their house should sell for more than it does. However, you need to listen to your Estate Agent when setting a price as they know best. Although, they may have valued it incorrectly using inaccurate or irrelevant comparable evidence in the first place.\r\n\r\nToo Cluttered: Make sure you declutter every room in your house as buyers want to walk into a property and see themselves living there. Sometimes people can’t see past other people’s stuff and it puts them off.\r\n\r\nSmall Repairs Need Doing: If your home is a bit tired then that will leave people with the wrong impression. It’s amazing what a lick of paint can do for a house or a tidy garden can do. I feel the little fixing of kitchen drawers, cupboards etc. go a long way.\r\n\r\nYou Haven’t Got the Right Agent: It’s always best to hire a local Estate Agent who knows your area inside out and one that markets your home on Social Media as well as on Rightmove and Zoopla. Sometime, Estate Agents will do all they can to list a house on the market, for the presence of a For Sale Board.\r\n\r\nIs your Estate Agent available or flexible to a buyers timetable? You may not expect late nights, Saturdays and Sundays….but why not? More people are naturally available outside of normal working hours, if your agent isn’t accommodating then prospective buyers may find alternate property elsewhere.\r\n\r\nThinking of moving or struggling with your current agent? Get in touch today for your FREE home valuation and an honest assessment of your home:\r\n\r\nt: 07581875215 \/ e: dean.coleman@exp.uk.com”,
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